13 December 2009

When doctors publish lies ~ and peer review in medical journals fails

What's the future of peer review? Bad peer review processes are finally catching up with the scientific research industry; recent high profile cases of scientific misconduct have rocked the boat--big time! Scrambling to cope: journals, medical schools, the pharmaceutical and biotech industries, academic hospitals, scientific researchers... And the big question: Why isn't scientific fraud criminally prosecuted, like any other white collar crime?

in reference to:

- What is the future of peer review? Why is there fraud in science? Is plagiarism out of control? Why do scientists do bad things? Is it all a case of:“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing?” (view on Google Sidewiki)

17 September 2009

Toots Thielemans | Bluesette Brasil 2007

Toots Thielemans Quartet, Live at Teatro Cultura Artistica in São Paulo, Brasil, 2007

Toots Thielemans | Sophisticated Lady

Toots Thielemans (harmonica) plays the Duke Ellington composition "Sophisticated Lady" on Night Music.

13 August 2009

Obama = Hitler // VIDEO // GOP Psychosis + Sociopathy Threaten World

This video was created by U.S. organizations central to the Republican establishment. They are respected by the GOP mainstream.

Has the GOP gone psychotic? Or is it merely sociopathic?

Such endemic conservative lunacy and immorality threatens the whole world.

Please watch this shockingly insane piece of propaganda, and then...be afraid.

Be very afraid.

Not of Obama, but of U.S. Republican "leadership."

Dark dark times are upon us, if normal folks don't speak against videos like this one.

It violates every ethical standard required for democracy.

Obama = Hitler: http://bit.ly/NCSDo